Sunday, March 27, 2011

Project365, #28: HITLER PUNCH!

Once again, a fucking amazing weekend. So good it deserved that F-bomb. Nearly two months ago I purchased two pairs of tickets to the Zap! Pow! Bam! Exhibit at the William Breman Jewish History Center downtown. I have always been fascinated by the Golden Age of comics. Stylistic perhaps it no longer has a wide appeal (though it does for me), but the one thing everyone should latch on to is its historic relevance. In the late 30s to the 50s, comics were dominated by Jewish writers and artists. The fact they were Jewish would be irrelevant if not for some important events that occurred during most of that time. These artists were urging the government, by swaying popular opinion with comics book, to intervene in what would be World War II. It may seem simple, but it is true. Below are works from greats like Jerry Robinson, Mort Meskin (a personal favorite), and the legendary team to Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. And consider yourself lucky that they have an area to draw, because you will get to see some sketches from two dear friends and incredibly talented up-and-comers, Jackie Lewis and Erin Gladstone.

Anyhow, in a word: awe. All by hand, changing the world and creating icons that we take for granted. Damn I love comics. (for many more see my Flickr)

Captain America #1 cover by Simon/Kirby

Detective Comics #69 by Jerry Robinson

Green Lanten #1

Propaganda poster by Mort Meskin

Erin Gladstone's perfect capture of our reaction to seeing the exhibit

Jackie Lewis's amazing take on The Joker

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